By horizon
May 4, 2018
Over the last few months, we have noticed a huge increase of falsified documents submitted by applicants . With the wide range of technological opportunities, it has become easy for applicants to create fake pay-stubs, bank statements and rental references. “According to industry studies, 80% of fraudulent incomes reported in lending applications actually are really misinterpretations in the original form. This said, customers with no financial source of income or with low income, can find an alternative to faux pay stubs to qualify for a loan” or rental homes. “A number of video websites have surfaced that can teach anyone with a little interest how to create counterfeit pay stubs to get a clear pass.” With this risk, it has become critical that property management companies be extremely vigilant in verifying, and in some cases re-verifying application documents submitted by applicants. In doing so, the turnaround time for application processing has almost doubled. “Income fraud is the easiest to perform and the most difficult one to be identified by the lender, but before going any further with this process, one must know that creation of any such phony pay stub is illegal and absolutely off limits! This can result in a misdemeanor and/or felony and can cost offenders incarceration and/or fines.” Applicants are often unaware of the repercussions associated with such fraud and believe a denial of the application may be the only consequence they could face.